Community Health Needs Assessment


Community Needs Needs Assessment

South Arkansas Regional Hospital, SARH, a newly formed community-based hospital located in El Dorado, Arkansas was formed through a partnership of three area foundations and one academic medical center. SARH is committed to providing high-quality services close to home. 

To fulfill the hospital’s mission and retain tax-exempt status, it must provide programs and services that intentionally assess and respond to local community health needs. SARH provides community benefits by offering: health education, free community health screenings, and several community health initiatives.

This survey is the first of many that SARH will complete every three years to assess the needs of Union County residents and hospital stakeholders in the surrounding area. The assessment includes input from persons representing broad interests of the community served by SARH, including those with public health expertise. These individuals form the community advisory committee. The community advisory committee assisted hospital staff in collecting survey data that indicated the most pressing health concerns in the hospital service area.

Upon identifying the health issue priorities, SARH’s community needs assessment steering committee will create an action plan to address some of these issues through resources available to the hospital.

South Arkansas Regional Hospital’s 2023 Community Health Needs Assessment is prepared by the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership leadership and staff in accordance with the requirements of Section 9007 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.

Below are links to the latest community health needs assessments: